Corona Day 8

Well its day 8 and this virus is stubborn and pneumonia is a symptom and fevers are too. So waiting, praying and hoping is all we can do and knowing that he is monitored by talented doctors and nurses gives me hope. He will be fine as he is one of the strongest and calmest people I know.

Not having him around has finally hit me and I decided not to blog, since I was sad, frustrated and stressed. BUT then I realized that this blog is meant to be an honest journey and I also realized that it is a normal process, so it was okay to cry and feel sorry for myself.

Writing in my gratitude journal, I was overwhelmed with my blessings. I have my daughter with me who is a huge support, she is strong like her dad and made me practice all that I preach. My son is just a phone call away and a shoulder to cry on. It is in times of crisis that you really really value your loved ones, we all take each other for granted and teenage troubles seem so trivial in the big picture. I thought of all the people who don’t have their loved ones with them like some college students and thousands of others. I thought of people who were alone and quarantined in their apartments away from their loved ones. People who were stuck in ships and then those who passed away.

This virus has affected so many people and will keep doing so, but this too shall pass. I realized that this whole mess is out of our control and being positive and taking one day at a time was important  and appreciating all we have is crucial.

I prayed hard for myself and the world, that bought me the most solace. I sat outside and soaked up the sun and tried to get my vitamin D.

Now that the sun has set, I have to get back to figuring out how to teach an online class, tomorrow morning. My techie husband  is unavailable and if weren’t for his expertise, I doubt I would even get my grades in!!!.

On a positive note, lets all love ourselves and avoid guilt and other negative feelings.

Take away:
