Day 12: Nourishment

AJ is slowly but surely recovering. He still has a cough but his fevers at night have lowered. His main goal is now resting and recuperating. Which is a good sign and he has learnt that “Health is Wealth” and Prayers from loved ones have been crucial. To beat this virus you need to rest your body and brain.

I have been resting  as much as I can and by Gods grace my only symptom is fatigue and malaise. So still all good at my end!

Nourish Your Body

One thing within your control is the nutrition that you provide to your body. During stressful times, be mindful that your body needs all the help it can get with power-boosting nutrients.

Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, up your vitamin C with red peppers or citrus fruits and prioritize vegetables and healthy foods that nourish your body and mind to perform at its best.

Chicken soup appears to help fight colds, according to several studies. It helps clear nasal congestion as well as thin mucus so you can better cough it up. In addition, research shows it may have a mild anti-inflammatory effect than can help ease symptoms.

Some studies have shown the below to help with respiratory virus. All these  have no harmful effects but are warm and soothing to the throat.

  • Hot nourishing soups
  • Peppermint, eucalyptus, and fenugreek tea
  • Warn damp air
  • Salt water gargle
  • Ginger
  • Tumeric

Nothing like home made chicken soup like my mom makes but I made a chicken noodle soup with some pantry items and no chicken.

Boil a box of chicken stock, a variety of vegetables and some black pepper and salt. Add some noodles  then finish with lemon juice.

For dessert, I made a Blood orange olive oil cake by Melissa Clark.

I added coconut and almonds to the recipe to make it a bit more hearty.