AJ is slowly and steadily improving but in this disease if you get the pneumonia, your lungs do get a beating and only time can heal.
One day at a time!!
Today I want to discuss the importance of Vitamin A, my very close friend sent me a study.
Vitamin A is an antioxidant and helps against inflammation, which is the start of many chronic diseases.
Vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining your body’s natural defenses.
This includes the mucous barriers in your eyes, lungs, gut and genitals which help trap bacteria and other infectious agents.
It’s also involved in the production and function of white blood cells, which help capture and clear bacteria and other pathogens from your bloodstream.
This means that a deficiency in vitamin A can increase your susceptibility to infections and delay your recovery when you get sick.
We have all been increasing our Vitamin C and Zinc but we need to pay attention to this important vitamin.
The best way to get this vitamin is through our food as mega supplements may cause toxicity.
Liver has the most vitamin A but fruits and vegetables are the best way as you also get antioxidants, fiber and other vitamins and minerals.

I roasted sliced sweet potatoes with honey, olive oil and some seasonings. I made a home made tomato sauce with red peppers, which I served with pasta and we had Shishito peppers on the side.
My meal was full of Vitamin A and many other beneficial nutrients.