3 Weeks into Corona: Rest & Kindness

AJ is recuperating but unfortunately it is a slower process, than we expected. Even after the virus leaves the body, some people have after effects and the doctors say that Rest is the only answer. I am just so thankful to God and cannot pray enough for all those going through a tough time.

After 2 weeks of being locked indoors, I was excited to go into the office but it was a ghost town. I couldn’t find a single place open to eat lunch, I felt very emotional to see New York so dead. I walked home on the river which was also empty.

Sometimes it is really hard to keep your spirits high, amongst all this sadness . My mood changer was a surprise parcel of a Chocolate Babka. It took a lot of guesswork to figure out the sender. Thank you!

I have been so fortunate to be on the receiving end and I realized that small deeds of kindness can really change, the way people feel.

I am going to try my hardest to do 1 small kind deed a day. Something as simple as call to a friend, who could be lonely or send an Amazon gift to someone going through a rough time. My favorite gift to send anyone with Covid19 is Elderberry gummies!!

Gratitude, kindness and forgiveness are the qualities, we sometimes take for granted. I personally feel that this time stuck indoors has allowed me to reflect on what I want to prioritize.

We had a healthy meal yesterday, and today AJ wanted Pizza. I am not sure it is the healthiest meal but Moderation and Balance are key in staying well. Denying yourself only leads to the desire to go overboard.

I had a box of baby kale and radishes in my fridge, I added some apples for sweetness and sunflower seeds for crunch. The salad added a pop of color to our meal. The dressing recipe is my favorite, it’s easy and full of flavor.

Kale radish salad.


  • 1 box baby kale
  • 6 red radishes
  • 1 small apple
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 4 Tbs olive oil
  • 1 1/2 Tbs apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbs honey
  • 1 Tbs Dijon mustard
  • Salt/black pepper


In a small jar, mix the mustard, honey, vinegar and oil, shake well. The mustard and honey add opposing flavors.

Pour the dressing and mix the salad really well.