In Defense Of Food

In todays blog, I want to talk about a very interesting book, I just read. The title of the book is my blogs title. The author is Michael Pollan and I  feel a lot of my readers would benefit from some of his food rules.

Michael Pollan is a professor of journalism at UC Berkeley. In addition to teaching, he lectures widely on food, agriculture, health and the environment. He is not a Nutritionist or a scientist or a physician, but he has done a lot of research on the agriculture, food and health in this country and his books are all best sellers. I feel a lot of his advice mirror my own personal views about food and wellness.

His answer to the question of what should humans eat in order to be maximally healthy.  “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”  Michael Pollan takes the stance that our  complex approach to food and food products is very likely causing us to get sicker than healthier. He draws a distinction between real food and food that is sold in the supermarkets as “edible food substances” Most of the foods sold in the grocery stores are changed from their original state, these foods are processed. The processing is done to make food last longer, make it cheaper and claims to give us more nutrients. The problem is when the food is changed, all the substances that are added are fake and should not be considered real food. The food industry changes foods according to the latest craze from low fat to low carb to high fiber etc. They add labels that claim to help against heart disease and  lower cholesterol. This is done  to entice us to buy more and more of these packaged foods.

He compares the American food culture to the French and claims that the French are not as obese because they snack less, spend more time eating and eat less as food is more expensive. Making food so cheap is one of the problems he claims, as people eat a lot more and the fake substances in the food don’t give us the feeling of fullness you should get when you eat the natural fats found in the food. Convenience foods cause us to eat on the run and sitting and eating our meals helps against over eating. Eating with others prevents mindless eating.

He feels that most of our diet should come from plants and that meat should be a side dish. The antibiotics given to the animals in this country is the problem not the meat. Animals that graze on grass instead of corn have more omega 3 fats and other important nutrients that they get from the grass they eat.

Cooking and growing your own plants is a huge theme in his book. The book is full of   great advice and information. One of his rules that I loved was “Don’t Get Your Fuel From The Same Place Your Car Does. Gas stations have become processed corn stations: ethanol outside for your car and high fructose corn syrup inside for you”

I highly recommend reading the book or watching his movie on Netflix.


Green beans with coconut and daal

My family  loves green beans and I usually always have some in my fridge, they love stir fried string beans and garlic with chilies. That is usually our favorite side with some sort of chicken.

Today I decided to make my favorite green bean recipe. Its quick and because it has lentils it has extra protein. For extra flavor and texture I add coconuts and green chilies.


  • 1 pound string green beans
  • 1/4 cup red masoor lentil
  • 1 green chili chopped
  • 1 teaspoon chili flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic
  • 2tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1/4 cup water
  • salt to taste


Trim the green beans and chop them in half. Heat the oil and add the garlic, green chill, red chill flakes and salt. Saute the spices and then add the washed red lentils and saute for 5 minutes. Add the green beans and keep stirring, once the lentils start sticking add the water and keep  cooking

The green beans should be crunchy, add the chopped cilantro and cover the pot and let it steam for 5 more minutes.

I Served mine  with whole wheat chapattis.

1 cup of fresh green beans have 2 grams of protein and 3.7 grams of fiber. They have, 17.9 mg of vitamin C, 15.8 mcg of vitamin k.

Folate is  B vitamin that is needed for brain growth and it  is deficient in all processed foods.  Green beans have 40.7 micrograms.  They also have 40.9 mg of calcium, 230 mg of potassium and 1.1 mg of iron.

Checkout this website that has all the nutrition information and rates the fruits and vegetables according to a score.

Thank you

Before I get to my actual post, I want to thank everyone of you for your encouragement and kind words. I have to make a very special thank you to Ali and Lateef who put the idea of a blog in my head, and Saba and Shamaila who pushed me regardless of my constant obstacles with technology.

While I was on the bus coming home from work, I was figuring what to cook and I was getting excited. This is so not me!!! My family can vouch that I have never ever liked cooking. I have amazing cooks in my family, my aunt Shireen Anwar is the host of Masala TV and her recipes are delicious. In fact as my kids were growing I would make just a couple of dishes and repeat those over and over because they were easy. My sister who is a great cook and always has some delicious home cooked meal ready at home would tell me, I need to make more of a variety of foods.

I finally figured out, what changed my thinking and its not that I like cooking, I still think cooking is too much work if your making good food, but the food I want to blog about is easy, really healthy and made with ingredients that are nutritious. Secondly being in New York City and being an Empty Nester, I have no need to cook as every food I want can be be delivered by Seamless and since I have no kids there are no restrictions.

The problem is, I do not always  know what is in the food that I order and that if I want the benefits and healing effects of food then I have to make it myself. Since there is no need to cook, I have  more of a  desire to experiment with ingredients on my poor husband. We still love going out to eat.

The nutrients and the health benefits of the food are my main passion. I love Nutrition and how it affects our bodies and minds, good and bad and that is  the message, I really want to get across in my blog.

My next post, is the meal I did make today.



Around 2 years ago, after my family and I visited Jerusalem, we bought a lot of dates and after Saniya did a lot of research she started adding dates instead of sugar in her smoothies. She would eat dates as a snack daily.

I myself would eat dates usually only in Ramadan as when eaten, they replenish energy and revitalize the body instantly. For these qualities, they are traditionally served to break the fast during Ramadan month since ancient times.

I decided to do more research and add it to my diet, when I had the urge for something sweet. It helps curb the craving. I still do eat chocolate but I have cut it down.

I carry a few dates in my bag daily with a handful of mixed nuts. Its a great snack  and is full of beneficial nutrients. They are high in sugar and calories, so moderation is key.

The Date is a fruit and is high in  dietary fiber it has 6.7 grams in 100 grams. It works as a laxative, helping with constipation. They contain antioxidants known as tannins, which are  anti-inflammatory.

Dates have a lot of iron, about 0.90 mg/100 g they are excellent sources of potassium. 100 g contains 696 mg.  Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. They thus offer protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases.
Dates  have 54mg of magnesium helping against anxiety and 64 mg of calcium, helping with strengthening bones.

Healthy Yogurt

I love yogurt and cheese, but I am aware that both of these foods are high in saturated fat and sugar. I grew up in England and somehow the yogurts  and cheeses there always tasted better than the USA.

I started researching why, saturated fat is found in natural milk so obviously both yogurt and cheese will always contain fat, unless you buy low fat. Once the fat is removed that food is processed and different ingredients have to be added for it to taste good. Secondly, I feel the hormones in milk can affect the taste, so grass fed milk, yogurt, butter and meat always tastes better. That does not mean,  we have no healthy options, also this is my personal opinion.

Doing my own research by looking at food labels, I decided that some fat in yogurt is fine.  Moderation is key also the fat allows it to be more satisfying and the sugar can be lowered without affecting the taste.

The brand, I am recently hooked on is Siggi. Its got 140 calories, 12 grams of protein and 8 grams of sugar, which is 2 teaspoons. Many yogurts have over 4 teaspoons of sugar. It does have 3 grams of  fat, I feel that adds to the the creaminess. There are fat free ones available too. My favorite is the 2% fat variety. One container of this yogurt  has only 5 ingredients and it has no fructose syrup. I will talk about Fructose corn syrup another day. Unlike many yogurts available it has 2% Vitamin A.

Please try it and give me your feedback.

A Banana a day keeps your Nerves at Bay

I just got back from a 3 day trip and I realized that, once I returned home, I wanted to talk about Bananas.

I did not have a single banana on this trip as unlike New York, where we have a fruit vendor every few blocks its not as easy to just buy one.

For the last 3 months, I have tried to eat a banana every morning either before or after my coffee. I cannot begin to explain, how that banana fuels me through my mornings. Initially, I just thought its in my head but when I don’t eat a banana, I really do have a sluggish morning and I start my day more stressed or anxious.

So, I started doing a lot of research, bananas are chock full of Potassium and Magnesium. Teaching Nutrition, I know that a lot of us are very deficient in these two Minerals. When I do food intake analysis on clients and students, the nutrients that a lot of us don’t get enough in our diet are as follows. In various posts, I will discuss each of these in different foods I  try to eat.

  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Folic Acid a B Vitamin
  • Fiber

I myself am lacking in all of them and the benefits of these are very important in today’s busy world. Magnesium and Potassium are   important for increasing energy and calming nerves and anxiety. The processed foods we consume are devoid of all these nutrients.

Bananas have 60.8mg Magnesium,806mg Potassium and 45mcg Folate.  Each Banana has 5.9grams of fiber, which also helps in the morning.

My husband gets his Banana from my banana bread, which is not my recommendation for the day as it is high in sugar and fat but I will add my healthy banana bread recipe for a treat once in a while.

The recipe Amir loves is the Williams Sonoma Whole wheat Banana bread, its moist and delicious and has a lot of fiber. It does have sugar and fat and so I have over the years modified it to try to make it healthier.

I cut down the sugar and flour and instead add an extra banana and flax seeds and coconut. Amir and the kids also love a handful of dark chocolate chips.


  • 3 ripe bananas mashed
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 stick grass fed organic butter softened
  • 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 2  organic grass fed eggs at room temperature
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/3 cup flax seed ground
  • 1/4 cup coconut shredded
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


Beat the butter coconut oil and sugar till fluffy, add the eggs one at a time, then add the mashed banana. The mixture may look curdled, which is okay.

In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking soda coconut and flax. With a spoon stir the flour mixture into the banana mix and add the yogurt. Stir in the nuts and optional chocolate chips.

Bake in a heated oven at 350 degrees in a loaf pan for 45 minutes.

Enjoy and let me know your opinions.

I sadly do not have a picture but will post it when i make it next.



Healthy Snacks: Energy Bars

My favorite past time in a grocery store is looking at food labels and trying to figure out a food product that has few ingredients and the ingredients that are good for your health.

So I decided a few weeks ago to check out the Energy bars available. I was shocked at the amount of sugar I found, some as much as candy bars.

Energy Bars were used in the past mainly by athletes, but over the last 10 years with everyone on a health kick the bar Industry has rocketed. Many times the bar is a quick lunch or breakfast!

After 4 weeks of looking at bars at every store I walked into, I finally found 1 company that has 11 ingredients, most have over twenty. The most important requirement for me was that all the ingredients be Whole Foods not processed and the sugar should come from natural sources not added and  not more than 2 teaspoons which is 8 grams.

This bar is not a high protein bar, but it’s a bar that you can have if your on the run and need some energy. It has only 5 grams of sugar and 7 grams of protein.

The Name of the company is Thunderbird Real Food Bar. It’s made with nuts, seeds and dates. It can be part of the Mediterranean lifestyle.

There are no artificial ingredients and it is soy and dairy free and vegan.

I love the Hemp +Sunflower +Pumpkin Seed.

If any of you find others that are better or similar, please let me know.