Healthy Yogurt

I love yogurt and cheese, but I am aware that both of these foods are high in saturated fat and sugar. I grew up in England and somehow the yogurts  and cheeses there always tasted better than the USA.

I started researching why, saturated fat is found in natural milk so obviously both yogurt and cheese will always contain fat, unless you buy low fat. Once the fat is removed that food is processed and different ingredients have to be added for it to taste good. Secondly, I feel the hormones in milk can affect the taste, so grass fed milk, yogurt, butter and meat always tastes better. That does not mean,  we have no healthy options, also this is my personal opinion.

Doing my own research by looking at food labels, I decided that some fat in yogurt is fine.  Moderation is key also the fat allows it to be more satisfying and the sugar can be lowered without affecting the taste.

The brand, I am recently hooked on is Siggi. Its got 140 calories, 12 grams of protein and 8 grams of sugar, which is 2 teaspoons. Many yogurts have over 4 teaspoons of sugar. It does have 3 grams of  fat, I feel that adds to the the creaminess. There are fat free ones available too. My favorite is the 2% fat variety. One container of this yogurt  has only 5 ingredients and it has no fructose syrup. I will talk about Fructose corn syrup another day. Unlike many yogurts available it has 2% Vitamin A.

Please try it and give me your feedback.